"Love can't always be the answer."

Platinum Squad

"I swear, both Siblings are Crazy but good." - Blaise

"Nice one Zabini, but I'm the Sassy one out of us three." - Myself

"I swear if you two keep arguing I will curse you both." - Draco

Vanessa Millie Malfoy

House: Ravenclaw
Height: 5'7
Nationality: British
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue/Gray
Siblings: Draco Malfoy
Parents: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Her
DOB: March 27th, 1979
Star Sign: Aries
Aunt: Bellatrix, Lestrange Andromeda Tonks
Uncle: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, and Regulus Black
God Parent: Sirius Black

Extra Info:

Wand Information:
Wand Core: Dragon Heart String
Wand Wood: Black Walnut
Wood Length: 14 1/4"

Patronus: Dragon
Animagus: Black Cat
Mirror of Erised: Having a Happy Family.
Boggart: Losing my Sibling.
Amortentia: Honey, Sugar, Potions, Parchment Paper, Sea Salt, Pepermint, and Chocolate.

"I Might Be The One Walking Away, But You're The One Who's Leaving."

Contact Info:
Discord: cloudstorm79
Pinterest: @Cloud
Quotev: CloudStorm5